Hello, Breath

Special article from our friends over at Green Heiress Retreats!

“Green Heiress Retreats will help you explore new modalities to connect with yourself, and others, on a deeper level. To open yourself to a transformative, healing experience, it is important to enter with a “grounded mind.” 

Without using excessive terminology, just know that a “grounded mind” is one that is stable, consistent, and both receptive as well as responsive, much like a foundation of a house or the root structure of a strong and weather-tested tree. Cultivating a grounded mind can lead to a more grounded body, which carries a number of benefits. 

There are two main parts to cultivating a grounded mind, both of which every individual possesses and experiences: Breath and Gravity.

Part 1: The Breath

Breath is the first step in any mindfulness practice because it can enhance the manifestation of your intention, like peace or abundance. Explore your breath through the excercised below.

  1. Create a Space: Start by turning off your phone and setting up your space. Sit comfortably in a chair settling into your sit bones and placing your feet firmly on the floor. 

  2. Tune In: Begin taking slow breaths, feeling the fullness of this unique function of your body and becoming aware of its pattern, intensity and characteristics.

  3. Connect and Observe: As you become acquainted with your breath, keep in mind that this exercise is as much about active observation as it is about the breath. You are not seeking to change anything. Let the breath come to you as it is and permeate your space and mind.

  4. Repeat: You can sit with their breath, developing a relationship with it for as long as it feels comfortable and fruitful before mindfully returning to presence. Try to visit this practice frequently, beginning for just a few minutes and gradually building up to longer and longer periods of time.

With this pracrice, you have built conscious awareness with this fundamental act that brings us life through our subconscious every second of every day. Enjoy that connection and enjoy the exploration.

Stay tuned for our next blog to learn about “Part 2”: Gravity.”


The Gravity of the Situation


Speaking Without Your Voice