Supportive Integration Coaching
of Non-ordinary States of Consciousness

Supportive Integration Coaching of Non-ordinary States of Consciousness

Non-ordinary states of consciousness are experiences derived from the use of psychoactive compounds, popularly known as psychedelics as well as journeys with breath work, deep meditative practice, and near-death or end-of-life experiences.

Heather Batalden

Hi, I’m Heather

I assist clients with exploring, understanding, processing, and pulling meaning from their experiences to connect to self, others, and the wider world around them.


Rooted in Sound and Green Heiress Collective strongly oppose participation in the use, purchase, or transfer of illegal substances. Heather Batalden offers supportive integration of experiences after they occur to reduce harm, process, and assist with the alleviation of symptomatology resulting from challenging experiences, or those with no supportive structure or professional to assist with conceptualizing and applying meaning to one’s experience. We do not provide any illegal substances, preparation services, or referrals for the procurement of illegal substances.



Supportive Integration Coaching of Non-ordinary States of Consciousness
3 Session Bundle

Supportive Integration Coaching of Non-ordinary States of Consciousness
6 Session Bundle

Supportive Integration Coaching of Non-ordinary States of Consciousness
3 Sessions with (1) Reiki & (2) Sound Massage

Supportive Integration Coaching of Non-ordinary States of Consciousness
6 Sessions with (3) Reiki & (3) Sound Massage